Friday, November 9, 2012

Get your groove on... a beginners take on Zumba!

I have just come home from my first ever Zumba class. I was aware of the craze, I have seen it being done, I've watched a Youtube clip made by a very talented friend but I have never actually participated before. Well, now I have.

As part of my integration into my new home and in an attempt to improve my language skills (listening skills really) I have been attending aerobics courses at the local gym. I'm finding it's a really good method. I have to concentrate really hard and respond to instructions, or I look like a gumby.

I was a bit nervous about Zumba, my friend with the Youtube clip moved so quickly that I thought there must be a lot of instruction. I was relieved when I could understand the instructors introduction, or at least I caught the words, "Tanz Workout" and we started moving. She said not another word... only "Woo" and "Yeah" for the rest of the session.

Still, I needed all my concentration to follow her choreography. She shook 'this' one way and wiggled 'that' the other. With no warning she would change direction and add in an arm move. Some of the other women seemed familiar with the routines, but I had to be careful not to look around the room. I found that if I did look at the other ladies, I would undoubtedly lose my step and and up in a true tangle.

I was surprised by my lack of skill. Please don't think me arrogant, but I am usually able to follow choreography and dance moves quite well. Usually, I need one or two times to practise, then I'm hunky dory and can concentrate on the language. I mean, mum didn't spend all that money on thousands of hours of Jazz Ballet for nothing. I've also been a regular  at Sydney Dance classes and aerobics classes with fabulous girlfriends (who I missed terribly tonight!) However, in this Zumba class I was turning the wrong way, nearly bumping into people and stomping like an elephant. I was a first class klutz with my big sneakers on and my bosoms bouncing this was and that.

Being unable to 'do' Zumba properly I began to watch the young girl out the front a little more subjectively. She was very different from my friend who teaches Zumba. Firstly, she was German. At least, I think she was German. For all I know she could have been from Uzbekistan... I can't hear accents yet. Also, she didn't smile. My friend has this beautiful, infectious grin. The German girl, she had this pout. I mean, honestly, she was pouting at herself in the mirror. Every now and then she would do sexy eyebrows, '"Uh-huh, Uh-huh", and then there was the hair flick. It was sensational! I think I would have put my neck out if I moved my head as fast as she was able to.  She moved parts of her body this way and that with completely separate rhythms. She was totally into it, loving every minute. I think there were moments when she actually forgot we were there. She worked up a real lather of sweat and her hair began to stick to her neck and her back. It began to make me a bit embarrassed. Here I was watching this girl sweat while I couldn't even get my feet to "Cha-cha-cha". It was almost like spying on a teenage girl who is dancing in her bedroom to Lady Gaga. I'm surprised more men don't go.

Close to the end of the class I'm afraid I got myself noticed. I bust out laughing. There was this move; we stood in a wide footed squat, rolled our hips around and then hopped up on tippy-toes for a pelvic thrust. I'm afraid I lost it there. I made the mistake of glancing around the room. There were women of all ages and sizes on their toes waggling their crotches around. The teacher pulled it off, she looked great... everyone else, me included, looked a bit perverse. I couldn't stop laughing as I thrust my fanny about to the beat. The other ladies were looking at me, that made me laugh harder. To tell you the truth, it was incredibly fun.

Afterwards, a friendly lady came up and said something to me (no idea what). I explained that I couldn't understand German. She said, "Ah, aber hattest Du spass?" I knew the meaning of that... "Ah, but you had fun?" and told her, laughing, "Oh, yes". It was definitely fun. It was fast paced, the music is still in my head, I laughed out loud and certainly got my bum-wiggle on. I will certainly be back, the challenge of mastering Zumba is taunting me. I just need some girlfriends to go with. Oh, and to practice my hair flick.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to tell you love, but she was actually calling you a spaz.
